Previous Note - 62320211309 - Elderthing Design Thoughts
Mediocrity is the Way.(or the Tao)
Live each day is if you are going to live forever.
See also(external): Mediocrity Principle.
If I am nothing special, then I needn't be too concerned about failure or success, so long as I do enough to get by. My next piece of writing doesn't need to shake the roots of the world or impress anyone. It needn't be perfect, or even very coherent.
Take the long view. In the longest of views, we are just a tiny spec of paint on an infinitely large canvas. It won't matter too much. Zooming in a little, we are still quite tiny. Yet here we are and we must live out our days. But most of the time, there is no cause for great concern or hurry. Take the extra five minutes. Work a little slower. As long as you're doing okay enough, it's okay to not overperform. Constant competition with yourself may lead to progress, but also to ruin(stress, etc).
If I take up the view of my day to day actions as though I will live forever, there is no reason to hurry. I can spend all day on crafting a single sentence. Whatever is not done today can be done tomorrow. Priorities become fuzzy and soft, as does the tone of life itself as I pass through it. This viewpoint has it's uses, especially as a counter to the often-times toxic idea of "Live each day as though it were your last." (Mainly toxic if taken to literal extremes)
62320211525 - Living like an Immortal(related: immortal viewpoint)